Saturday, February 22, 2014

Things I learned........

Isis- Can be called the Mother of Life or the Crone of Death.
Osiris- After being killed by Set, you became the god of the underworld.
Ra- Humans were created from the sweat and tears of Ra.
Horus- Married your mother and had children.
Guanyin- Thanks to you, there is still rice in China.
Thor- You went undercover to get your hammer back and your accessories have names.
Freya- You love music, flowers, and spring.
Loki- Gave mistletoe to Balder's brother and made him throw to at Balder and killed him.
Odin- You carried the head of Mirmir with you on a journey after you drank from his well.
Balder- A nightmare about death made your mother ask everything except mistletoe to not kill you.
Raven- Cried until you got the stars, moon, and sun.
Hermes- Took Apollos cows and turned their feet backwards.
Apollo- Twin to Artemis.
Artemis- Twin to Apollo.
Dionysus- Your are the god of grape harvest, wine and winemaking.
Demeter- You are the god of corn, grain, and harvest.
Frigg - After speding the previous day asking every thing to not kill your son, you still when out to try and bring him back.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Osiris Myth
            I, Set the Egyptian god of chaos, am very onerous. I was born to Geb and Nut with three other siblings. My brother Osiris, was is line for the throne of Egypt. I was jealous. He had all the power and I was nothing. I tried to get over it by causing violent storms but at last I had to have the throne. So I killed my own brother. I ruled Egypt at last!
            Isis and Nephthys, my sisters, went searching for the body of Osiris. It would take them a long time because I cut the body up and scattered the parts all over Egypt and in the Nile River. Once they did find his body, Isis resurrected him long enough to conceive a child. This baby would become my worst nightmare.
            I ruled for several years until my enemy was old enough to challenge me to the throne that was once his father's. My nephew, Horus, and I fought for years and years. He kept winning battle after battle. Eventually, Horus kills me and wins the throne back. That's right, I killed my brother and then his son kills me. We are far from a "typical" family.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Conflict and Resolution

           The problem in the Osiris Myth is that Set gets jealous of his brother. This jealousy leads him to kill his brother and the story continues. If this conflict was not there, there would not be a myth to tell at all. Without some conflict in a story, it gets really boring fast. Why Set has jealousy toward Osiris is because he is the king and Set wants to be in power over all of Egypt. The problem kind of gets fixed. People die but it is as fixed as it is going to get. Horus kills Set in revenge for killing his father.

Monday, February 10, 2014


                There are four main characters in the Osiris Myth. Of course there is Set. There is also Osiris, Isis, and Horus. Osiris is the god of the underworld. He then marries his sister, Isis, god of magic and life. They have a son, Horus, god of kings in ancient Egypt. All these characters interact in some way. Set kills Osiris which makes Isis go searching for his body. In the end, Horus kills Set as revenge for killing his father.

The Nile River

            The Nile River is home to many people, and creatures, including Set. The river is 4,258 miles long and is the longest river in the world. The name came from the Greek word, Neilos, meaning valley. The river flows through nine countries and provides a route to the sea. In ancient times, Egyptians would use the Nile River as an  extremly important role in farming. When the spring floods came, it left behing very fertile soil to use in farming.
            Set used this river to dipose of his brothers body after he killed him. In some references to the Orisis myth, Set cut his body up and scattered his limbs across Egypt. Other references, however, say that Set put his brother's body in a wooden box, sealed it shut so you could only open it from the outside, and tossed it in the river. He watched as the box that contained his brother's body floated downstream to be forever lost at sea.