Saturday, February 22, 2014

Things I learned........

Isis- Can be called the Mother of Life or the Crone of Death.
Osiris- After being killed by Set, you became the god of the underworld.
Ra- Humans were created from the sweat and tears of Ra.
Horus- Married your mother and had children.
Guanyin- Thanks to you, there is still rice in China.
Thor- You went undercover to get your hammer back and your accessories have names.
Freya- You love music, flowers, and spring.
Loki- Gave mistletoe to Balder's brother and made him throw to at Balder and killed him.
Odin- You carried the head of Mirmir with you on a journey after you drank from his well.
Balder- A nightmare about death made your mother ask everything except mistletoe to not kill you.
Raven- Cried until you got the stars, moon, and sun.
Hermes- Took Apollos cows and turned their feet backwards.
Apollo- Twin to Artemis.
Artemis- Twin to Apollo.
Dionysus- Your are the god of grape harvest, wine and winemaking.
Demeter- You are the god of corn, grain, and harvest.
Frigg - After speding the previous day asking every thing to not kill your son, you still when out to try and bring him back.

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