Sunday, February 16, 2014

Osiris Myth
            I, Set the Egyptian god of chaos, am very onerous. I was born to Geb and Nut with three other siblings. My brother Osiris, was is line for the throne of Egypt. I was jealous. He had all the power and I was nothing. I tried to get over it by causing violent storms but at last I had to have the throne. So I killed my own brother. I ruled Egypt at last!
            Isis and Nephthys, my sisters, went searching for the body of Osiris. It would take them a long time because I cut the body up and scattered the parts all over Egypt and in the Nile River. Once they did find his body, Isis resurrected him long enough to conceive a child. This baby would become my worst nightmare.
            I ruled for several years until my enemy was old enough to challenge me to the throne that was once his father's. My nephew, Horus, and I fought for years and years. He kept winning battle after battle. Eventually, Horus kills me and wins the throne back. That's right, I killed my brother and then his son kills me. We are far from a "typical" family.


  1. I feel like this is a really short myth but you did a great job of explaining it.

  2. I really like how you worded the story, but I felt that there could have been a little more detail.
